Our Commitment to Supporting UK Businesses: Developing and Expanding their Intellectual Property for Business Advancement

Intellectual property (IP) is a vital asset for any business and can distinguish between success and failure. Protecting your company's intellectual property is essential to establishing credibility and brand value, whether it's a trademark, patent, copyright, or trade secret. At Trademark Assured, we recognize the importance of Intellectual property and are committed to helping UK enterprises build and grow through their intellectual property.

In this blog post, we will explore the potential benefits of trademarking a name, examine the various types of intellectual property rights, discuss the roles of a trademark attorney, and delve into the significance of copyright symbols. By the end of this post, you will better understand how to safeguard your company's intellectual property and leverage it to achieve business success.

Trademarking a Name

Your business name and logo are two of the most critical elements of your brand. Therefore they must be unique and secure to avoid infringement and for businesses to thrive. By registering them as trademarks, you can protect your intellectual property and prevent others from using your name or logo without permission.

Trademark registration provides legal protection and exclusive rights to use your name and logo in connection with your goods or services. It also gives you the legal right to prevent others from using a similar name or logo with similar goods or services.

Trademark registration can help you establish a strong brand identity, build consumer trust, and increase the value of your business. While trademark registration has all these benefits, it can also simplify expanding your business into new potential markets and attracting investors. We can easily relate it with the example of the multi-fast-food chain McDonald's. McDonald's has its trademark registered globally, allowing the company to quickly expand into new markets worldwide. In addition, investors and franchisees are attracted to the brand's recognizable logo and reputation for quality, which is again protected by trademark registration and intellectual property rights. As a result, now we see McDonald's as the most successful and well-known fast-food chain in the world.

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights are crucial in business, allowing individuals and companies to protect and profit from their innovative ideas and creations. However, each type of intellectual property right serves a different purpose and provides additional protection:

  1. Trademarks: Trademarks are a type of intellectual property right that protect names, logos, and other branding elements used to identify and distinguish goods and services in the marketplace. For example, the Nike swoosh logo is a trademark that helps differentiate Nike products from its competitors.
  2. Patents: Patents are a type of intellectual property right that protect inventions and technological innovations. It includes anything from new machines and software to pharmaceuticals and medical devices. For example, a company that develops a new kind of smartphone technology can apply for a patent to protect its invention from being copied or stolen by competitors.
  3. Copyrights: Copyrights protect original creative works such as books, music, films, and software. It includes everything from novels and screenplays to songs and computer code. Copyrights give the creator of the exclusive work rights to control how it is used, reproduced, and distributed. For example, a musician who writes and records a new song automatically owns the copyright and can control how it is used and distributed.
  4. Trade Secrets: Trade secrets are intellectual property rights that protect confidential information and proprietary knowledge, giving a business a competitive advantage. It includes customer lists, manufacturing processes, and marketing strategies. For example, a soft drink manufacturer may have a secret formula for their soda that gives them a competitive edge over their rivals. They can protect this trade secret by keeping it confidential and taking legal action against anyone who tries to steal or use it without permission.

Trademark Assured offers professional assistance in understanding your intellectual property rights and protecting your valuable assets. Our team of experienced trademark attorneys and lawyers can provide expert advice on the most effective strategies for safeguarding your intellectual property and achieving business growth.

Trademark Attorneys and Trademark Lawyers

A trademark attorney and/or a trademark lawyer specializes in helping businesses improve and protect their intellectual property rights. They can guide you through all the steps of the trademark registration process and provide valuable insights about intellectual property rights, from conducting a trademark search to filing your application with the Intellectual property office.

A trademark attorney can also help you enforce your trademark rights if someone else tries to infringe on them. All this could include sending cease and desist letters, filing infringement lawsuits, or negotiating settlement agreements. A relevant example of how a trademark attorney can help businesses enforce their trademark rights is the case of Apple Inc. In 2011, Apple sued Samsung for allegedly copying its iPhone and iPad designs, claiming that Samsung's products infringed on Apple's trademarks. Apple's legal team, which included trademark attorneys and lawyers, sent cease and desist letters and filed a lawsuit against Samsung, seeking damages for the alleged infringement.

The lawsuit lasted for several years, ultimately reaching a settlement agreement. Through the efforts of Apple's legal team, the company was able to protect its intellectual property and prevent competitors from copying its designs, which helped maintain its strong brand identity and market position. This case highlights the importance of having a solid legal team to help enforce your trademark rights and protect your intellectual property from infringement.

Over the past years, we are continuously striving to provide exceptional services to our customers. As a trademark attorney and trademark lawyer, we've helped numerous businesses trademark a name and protect their intellectual property rights.

A new clothing line was recently introduced by a UK-based fashion company. The business was worried that rivals might take over its distinctive logo and brand name.

We were hired to assist the business in registering its trademark and safeguarding its intellectual property. Trademark Assured's trademark attorneys collaborated closely with the business to comprehend their operations and create a comprehensive trademark strategy. In addition, they thoroughly searched the trademarks that were already in use to ensure that the company's trademark was available and did not violate any intellectual property rights that were already in use.

We continued to support the company after the trademark was registered, keeping an eye on the market for potential infringement and acting when necessary to protect the company's trademark rights. Trademark Assured's efforts to safeguard the company's intellectual property and establish a solid brand identity allowed the company to expand and enter new markets.

Copyright Symbols

Copyright is another basic form of intellectual property protection. Copyright protects original creative works, such as books, music, films, and software. If you create any original creative works, you automatically own the copyright.

In the United Kingdom, copyright law automatically applies to any original creative work, regardless of whether it has been registered. It means that if you create a work, such as a book, a piece of music, or a film, you are automatically the copyright owner of that work.

However, using copyright symbols (©) on your work can help to establish your ownership and deter others from infringing on your rights. It also helps to clarify to others that they must obtain your permission before using or reproducing your work.

Copyright protection in the UK lasts the creator's life plus 70 years. It means that the copyright to work will continue to be protected for many years after the creator's death. It ensures that the creator's legacy and creative contributions are respected and preserved, and their intellectual property rights are protected.

If someone uses your work without permission, you have the right to take legal action to enforce your copyright and seek compensation for any damages you may have suffered. Again, the help of an experienced trademark lawyer can be invaluable, as they can help you navigate the legal process and protect your rights.

Trademark Assured can help you register your copyright and protect your creative works from infringement. Our experienced team can advise you on protecting your intellectual property rights and ensuring your business is legally compliant.


Trademark Assured is committed to assisting UK enterprises in building and expanding by protecting their intellectual property. We are readily available to support you if you require assistance in trademarking a name, registering a copyright, or enforcing your intellectual property rights.

Our proficient team can guide you through the trademark registration process, protect your creative works, and guarantee your business's legal compliance. We invite you to contact us today to explore how we can assist you in elevating your business through intellectual property.